DDNikki: Other Projects

DDNikki / Other Projects

| Weird Pico Stuff |

Dream Diary

This is only here because I'm gonna make this
a full list of projects. Including front-page.


An artstyle with a website.
Also, had a game made randomly. That's literally it.

Outsider Artist's Gallery

A museum of failure, and mimicking artstyles.
(Especially TerminalMontage. Sorry.)
Hasn't been updated in a while (and I don't want to).

Warning: Obviously VERY image-heavy.
Only warning this for the sake of data plans and stuff.

Random... Characters

Characters I was willing to share. Or something.
Some of them aren't even mine.
Please, I've been awake for several hours straight,
it's like three in the morning.


Repurposed page.
Stuff I made that's too small for its own page,
such as fonts, buttons and more.

Pet Petterz

Got bored.
Decided to learn hexing.
Yes regrets.

(Petz Four game download here)


Custom Shimeji, most of them I made long ago.
Two of them caused a house fire in a dream, BTW.
Main download here.
You need that to use the ones I made.

A Bunch of Old Scratch Projects

A ZIP file of every Scratch project
I made in the distant past,
at least the ones that survived.
Warning, very embarassing.

Every Single Royalty Free Christmas Song

Jacksfilms' royalty free Christmas music,
all transcribed into a horrible document.
Includes everything from one to nine and some extras!!!

"Many artists have tried to draw me,
but I always catch 'em!"
- Ghiblib, the Christmas Demon

Crappy Clothing Catalog(ue)
  • I HAVE BECOME A [[Dirty Sellout]]!!!

  • SELLING SHIRTS OF [[Anything And Everything]]

  • T0M FU1P P R O B A B L Y WON'T MIND THE [[PennyLian]]!!!

  • BUY IT!!! BUY IT NOW!!!