Other Projects: Misc.

DDNikki / Other Projects / Misc.


I can't write anything.

Made in Calligraphr. Number support unless stated otherwise.
(I figured out how to use FontForge to merge numbers and letters!!!)

Jest: The one mostly used on this website, and on this sentence.
Cassandra: I have no idea how to describe this aside from that it sucks.
Jest (old): Circa twenty twenty? No number support. It also sucks.
Cas (old): Font from a cancelled project. No number support.
Unown Mini: Probably copyright-infringing. im dead

Fonts used on this website that I didn't make
(I don't know the actual source of the Japanese fonts, sorry)

Unifont (used in some images?)

aqua (Japanese, Nikki style)
わたしはニッキ (たぶん)

Heart (Japanese, Cass style)

sitelen seli kiwen (toki pona, sitelen pona)
ken la mi ala [nasa ike kon ike]

Basically Just A Singular Button
88 by 31. Will probably add more for other projects.

<a href="https://ddnikki.neocities.org" title="DDNikki"><img src="https://ddnikki.neocities.org/images/nikkibutton.gif" alt="DDNikki"></a>

Less flashy versions:

<a href="https://ddnikki.neocities.org" title="DDNikki"><img src="https://ddnikki.neocities.org/images/nikkibuttonstatic.gif" alt="DDNikki"></a>

Text Files
Because I don't want to make a page for them.

Characters named Cassandra

Recreated middle finger ASCII art from Heroes of Pico's School
(It can't display correctly on browser. Right click to save page downloads corrected version)

Icons For That One Game
Sorry. (Somewhat.)

Made in the Smile style. I can't say the P word.
Note: Tested on Firefox, with BTR right-clicking to copy the ID works.
