DDNikki: Random Stories

DDNikki / Random Stories

Basically the equivalent to NG Lit.
(Also has a concerning amount of NG in most of them...)

(Possibly) Lost Flash Game

A description of the first ever Flash game
that traumatized me.

(I was traumatized three times, all by point-and-clicks.)

Never Knew Grounds

How I never really found out about Newgrounds until
recently, and a list of ways I could've encountered it.
(And never clicked it, obviously.
I've been playing on DA all my life...
it never said anything about NG.)

The Only Dream that Made Me Cry

Self explanatory.


Random dreams that I have to write down
because I keep getting reminded about it.

Mostly nightmares about cosplayers. Cassandra.
And South Park. No offense on the "cosplayers" part.

An SCP I Apparently Wrote Once

Yeah... just a more detailed version of a dream I had once.

TL;DR: It was about a site of the Foundation
located in Roblox, an anomalous school building, also
it involved Cassandra. Not just the hand-drawn one.
(Why does this keep happening to me?!)

Cosplay Struggles

I was gonna call it "cosplayer nightmares",
but there's already a page on cosplayer nightmares,
and this page mentions said cosplayer nightmares.
Cosplayer Nightmares Part Two: Live Action Insanity.
(I will never forget my thirteenth birthday. In a bad way.)

Phobias and Penistone

A writeup about one of my absolutely stupid fears.
I still haven't faced it, over a year later. Help.