Random Stories: Tamagotchi, Furbies, etc.

DDNikki / Random Stories / Tamagotchi, Furbies and Other Pets

If you're wondering why this has the Newgrounds theme despite only marginally relating to it,
I just thought it would fit because retro and old things or something.
For more, read the dancing cactus story.

To preface this, my very first Tamagotchi... was a Bunny ROM. Very first and second,
since the first one broke somehow. Was this type specifically. I remember ripping the reset buttons out of them.

My first official Tamagotchi was a rerelease mermaid shell, P1. Named it Sayu after No Straight Roads.
My first Furby was an Orangutan 2012, Boo-Loo, after one of the Pango names in My Singing Monsters.
Both times I wanted a different color (Tama Universe and Voodoo Purple respectively), but I was still happy with them.

The mermaid Tama was given to my sister. The last time I saw Boo-Loo, their fur was coming off,
and I don't remember ever seeing them after that. They were corroded to hell even before that...

Don't mind how messy my room is. Also, I'm doing this just to get away from the development of Nikki's Nightmares.

☆ Furbies ☆
Remember, the weird shit doesn't happen if you genuinely love them.
(Which might explain why Cassandra's kinda fucked up.)

Phoebe (named after a bootleg)

My first Furby since Boo-Loo's death.
When I found out Furbies were being released again because of the wiki,
I asked someone to order either the purple or tie-dye off of Amazon.

Fur decorated like KAngel, they feel like the overly positive type.
Most of what I've done with them was just light show over and over.
I was afraid to try anything else, honestly. I wish I knew more about them.

I didn't really mean to name them so... insultingly, I guess.
It just felt fitting? Phoebe sounds like Furby.

Boo-Loo's ghost (I love you, I want to tell you that again)

I found a Furby on a shopping platform. Noted as having rust in the battery compartment.
When they arrived, I checked it and it was really bad. I didn't even bother cleaning it.
I only used non-rechargables I already had, since I didn't want to ruin
the rechargeable batteries I brought just for my other Furbies.

I distinctly remembered playing this specific remix of Die House next to Boo-Loo,
so I tried it with this one. I took their dancing as this being Boo-Loo's reincarnation...
I refer to this one as a ghost, due to their gray color and yellow and teal faceplate kinda
looking like the Orangutan Furby. I clipped on little wings to make them an angel.

Unfortunately, I don't really play with them much, due to my fear of tetanus,
and current inability to clean out the battery terminals.

Cassandra (or Cazzandra, according to my defective bracelet kit)

I brought another second-hand Furby after the ghost, with intentions to customize.
They used to be a pink cubes Furby Boom, hence the blue behind their eyes.
I'm pretty sure this idea came from either the nightmare I had on my birthday
or that time I described the Penilians as looking like Furbies. Or a Furby being in Pico.

She has a screwed up tilt sensor (screams as if being shaken)
and keeps... I'd describe it as flashing sideways in trope-talk.
Like as if Love Conquers All is coming back to her, making her sweet/hyper.
Cassandra is the only reason I'm afraid of Furbies. The Furby and the character.
My only plans with her is to take her to a convention or Newgrounds meetup someday.

By the way, I was brought a second bracelet kit, and could only spell it as Casandra!!!
Maybe Cassandra's cursed to have her name misspelled most of the time.

🥚 Tamagotchi & Other Virtual Pets 🥚
I have a horrible sleep schedule.
(Also, I replaced all the keychains.)

Pikotchi Uni (completely legit I swear)

My second official Tamagotchi, after the mermaid one.
I used to take care of both at once, until I gave the mermaid away.

Most of the time I have a Bubbletchi, but I keep killing them. Accidentally, of course.
The trick is to have your first generation be a girl, then it will most times alternate
like girl-boy-girl-boy-girl and the fifth generation will have a rainbow egg
which means you can get Bubbletchi. I keep failing at getting a girl the fifth generation.
Damn you, random number god.

Most of my Bubbletchi lived at least a month or more until they bit the dust.
I'm not one to use the babysitter, not even when I take naps.
I've killed so many. Most of them were from oversleeping...
About the faceplate, you can download it from this Newgrounds post.
Intended for a Uni with its logo taken off. Mine was scratched to oblivion.

Kazantchi (named after that Nyu-Tama project I can't make)

Honestly, I'm not really interested in the Generation One/Two remakes anymore,
there's not much to do and I CAN'T WIN THAT GODDAMN LEFT OR RIGHT GAME
but at least the higher or lower one is more predictable.

Most of the time I just keep this one as an accessory on my cosplay convention backpack,
with a little crappy Kazantchi sock-plushie keychain. If you're wondering what Nyu-Tama even is,
it was an attempt to make a fanmade Tamagotchi based on Newgrounds, and only after realizing
I can't develop games at this age did I reveal the project to the world in the form of this artpiece.

This is barely about my experiences with this Tamagotchi at this point...
All I can say is that I'm a horrible parent and the one time I actually tried I got Pochitchi, IIRC.
(I don't think I ever got a good character, ever. I don't actually have good memory.)

Doki & Nabi (named after the couple in There She Is)

A Giga Pets Bit Bunny and Star Cat, respectively.
I got the Bit Bunny first, and after ordering and receiving the Star Cat
I reset both of them just to name them this way. I just thought it made sense.

A review of them, I don't like how when the Star Cat dies, you have to set the time again.
I think the later Giga Pets don't reset the time when you revive your pet, since
the Bit Bunny doesn't do that. The 3-in-1 nature of the Bit Bunny kinda stressed me
later on so I ended up just neglecting the other two when I got Nabi...
I also don't like how long the Star Cat tricks are, and that reward is the first option.
Also, the Bit Bunny has harder buttons than the Star Cat (that sounds wrong).

Hatsune Miku Nano (the only unnamed one, obviously)

A while ago, I put together a heart lobster-clasp and a blue keyring
for a Nano I knew I would never get. Fast-forward,
I found a Hatsune Mikutchi on Mercari.
Ordered it through Buyee, arrived a while later,
while waiting I made a crappy Miku keychain out of shrinking plastic
and a bracelet for some reason, all of this just for a Nano.
The Tama of my dreams, mind you! Apparently one I mentioned in a
thread about "childhood toys you wanted but never ended up getting".
(Because if I'm technically still in my childhood, then...)

I only got this a few weeks ago from writing and I got the 2018 outfit.
I don't want to reset or neglect her to uninstallation.

Background shit of note: a Hatty Hattington plushie, an Oswald Funko Pop,
a rainbow fidget slug, WAHT Shimeji, Cassandra's Pico Wiki article